Screen Reality
Screens are metabolizing the earth’s surface. The sheer mass and viewable surface area of screens throughout the planet is growing exponentially. Yet, at every turn, we are seduced to buy still more hi-definition ‘flat’ screens. Why?
Screens now invade most every available surface area: grocery check-outs, airplane seat-backs, taxi cabs, elevator walls, refrigerator doors, dentist chairs, entire architectural facades, into every pocket... everywhere. And all of this screen content is purposely produced by someone, somewhere, for some reason. But with what intention and for what purpose?
Repeat the mantra, “Everything is better when viewed through a screen.” And that included both you and me. Our screens today are more than ubiquitous. They are monumental -- life-sized and life-giving. They are now reality itself.
Let us bow before them.
2 July, 2005