Amelia Jones: “...interpretation needs to be recognized as much more dynamic and contingent. It does not come ‘naturally’ at the moment of contact with the artwork, but is worked out as an on-going, open performance between artist and spectators, with meaning circulating fluidly in the complex web of connections among artists, patrons, collectors, and between both specialized and non-specialized viewers within the arena of encounter.
“Since meaning is negotiated between and across subjects and through language, it can never be fully secured: meaning comes to be understood as a negotiated domain, in flux and contingent on social and personal investments and contexts. By emphasizing this lack of fixity and shifting invested nature of any interpretative engagement, we wish to assert that interpretation itself is worked out as a performance between artists and spectators.
“What needs to be realized is that such assertions of authenticity ultimately provide an interpretation that constitutes just one reading among many others.”
from: Preforming the Body: Preforming the Text 1999 p: Introduction
...it has been two long months since I last made a video. During this seclusion, my mother-in-law died from protracted medical issues. She was deeply loved as matriarch of the family. Coincidentally, during this time, I experienced my own scuffle with our industrialized medical system. Neither of these events were pretty or natural... rather, as this video invokes, the last two months were grotesque and super-natural. These events now lead me toward another kind of contemplation, that of my own inevitable dreamlike life-media performance.
The imagery here was appropriated from YouTube’s vast repository of banal obscenity. The audio comes from Delia Derbyshire (1964). She is a pioneer in early British synthetic audio production. Allegorically performed together, as intellectual montage, these two artifacts now viscerally conflate into a personal representation of my own weightless bodily rapture.
29 May, 2012