Ryan Zinke  (7:15)                          110











Supreme Camera   (2:30)             120













Chronology   (11:15)                      130











72 Virgins   (19:45)                            140










Tripling Down   (6:25)                     150











Trump’s Tower   (2:30)                  160











Key Lawmakers  (3:15)                  170











60 Tentacles  (10:15)                     180











Steve King  (8:00)                           190











Harvey Response  (12:50)             200

                           A written accompaniment is located HERE.


      001-042     43-110     111-200      201-300      301-360      361-400




An American

resident of Canada, experimenting with surreal forms of critical media ethnography in Cultural Farming.


AUTHOR’S NOTE -  21 July 2017:

     King Don-John Trump is still President of the United States.  He has been so for six months now.  Here, during this time, I have built 110 videos.  It is hard work and deeply disturbing to say the least.

      I would wager, moreover, that few average-Americans have studied this current administration’s words and deeds through media as closely as I have.   But then, most of you probably watch much more internet porn than TV politics on your personal screens, right?  Yet still, I find few others who are equally concerned or even willing to accept the growing fact that our fragile democracy appears to be spiraling into pornographic political hell.   I must continue this critical experimental work.


King Don-John Trump

  The dirty presidency:  A contemporaneous memorialization

                                   de gustibus non est disputandum

                         A written accompaniment is located HERE.


   001-042     43-110     111-200      201-300      301-360      361-400